The method of measuring the rotary moment of electrode-hun using methods of machine vision




torque, machine vision, measuring transducer, torque coupling, device sensitivity, accuracy


This article presents a new approach to measuring the torque of electric motors using machine vision technologies. The main goal of this study is to develop a measurement method that minimizes interference with the operation of the electric motor. It has been studied how image processing and data analysis algorithms are used to interpret visual information obtained from the rotating elements of the engine. In the theoretical part of the article, the principles of machine vision are considered, as well as the existing methods of torque measurement are analyzed, indicating their limitations and potential areas for improvement. The scientific contribution of the work consists in the use of combined methods of image processing and analytical algorithms to determine the rotation parameters. The experimental part includes the development of modeling of the dependence of the torsion angle of the dynamometric coupling and the change of the visual parameter, which is determined by optical means, using machine vision.


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