Optimization of hyperspectral systems of fluorescent testing of food products





Spectral analysis – based on the study of the emission spectra of various substances. Samples of the analyzed substance are “burned” under certain conditions, the substance evaporates and dissonates into atoms, which, when excited, give a spectrum. The light emitted in this case, passing through the glass prism of the spectroscope, is decomposed into its constituent parts (different light) and the experimenter observes a number of different lines (linear spectrum). The lines judge the presence of a particular element in the analyzed product.

The higher the intensity of the lines, the higher the concentration of the substance. With the help of spectrographs, it is possible to photograph the radiation and, by the degree of blackening of the lines on the photographic plate, determine the concentration of a substance. The method is highly sensitive; impurities of substances determine up to 0.0001% – decimal fractions of a percent. The method is used to determine the mineral composition of products of plant and animal origin.

Luminescence is the glow of atoms, ions, molecules, and more complex particles of matter, which occurs as a result of the transition of electrons in them upon returning from an excited state to a normal one. To transfer particles to an excited state, the definition of the amount of energy is summed up. Glow or part of the energy is released in the form of luminescence quanta. This method is used to determine vitamins, proteins, and fats in milk, to determine the freshness of meat and fish and various spoilage of vegetables, fruits, to detect preservatives, drugs, carcinogens, pesticides in food products.

When assessing the quality of food products, great importance is given to their consistency. There are rheological methods for assessing consistency – the primary assessment of food products. Rheology studies the structural and mechanical properties of materials (deformation). Rheological properties include viscosity, elasticity, elasticity, and strength.

Perhaps the emergence of new, more advanced methods that will become widespread, i.e., each consumer will have the opportunity to determine the quality of the product with the help of a mini device (such as a radioactive background meter, etc.) when buying.


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