Method for calculating the resulting error of scanning probe microscope
metrological support, nanomeasurements, scanning probe microscope, error compensation, external destabilizing factorsAbstract
Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the process of measuring nanoobjects using a scanning probe microscope, it was found that the calculation and further correction of the resulting error requires careful study of external destabilizing factors. It was proved that the resulting error of the scanning probe microscope due to the influence of rapidly changing external environmental conditions at any time is a random variable. It is established that in the case of automatic error correction the greatest influence on the measurement result of nano-objects is not the absolute value of one or another spectral component of the error, but only its change in time, which depends on the period of coordinate decay functions. The article solves the urgent problem of developing methods for calculating and correcting the resulting error of the scanning probe microscope, taking into account a number of random time functions. The calculation of the mathematical expectation of accidental error caused by the influence of external destabilizing factors was calculated and methods of its compensation with increased accuracy and speed were developed. Based on the research, a general mathematical model of the resulting error in measuring nanoobjects using a scanning probe microscope, taking into account the influence of rapidly changing external destabilizing factors, which allows you to automatically adjust the measurement results on-line.
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