Research of the dependence of steganographic systems on the characteristics of hidden information
To build perfect steganographic systems, it is necessary to take into account many paraeters, including their dependence on the characteristics of the hidden information and the communication channel used for secret transmission. In this regard, the article examines the dependence of steganographic systems on characteristics such as volume, format, form of presentation, purpose of hidden information. Approaches are proposed for the correct choice of the container, the implementation algorithm, covert transmission channels, depending on these characteristics. In the course of studies of the relationship between the amount of hidden information and the degree of stegocontainer's resistance to possible steganographic analysis, it was found that an improvement in one of these indicators leads to an absolute deterioration in the other. In addition, the article examines the resistance of the container and the information hidden in it to various noises, lossy compression, filtering, modification, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions to build perfect steganographic systems. The advantages and disadvantages of using images, TCP, IP, VoIP, SCTP and ICMP protocols, and VoIP packets as a container were outlined.
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