Computer torque measurement system
information system, torque, electric motors, sensors, power, currentAbstract
The article presents a method of developing an information system for measuring the metrological characteristics of electric motors. To do this, a software add-on has been developed that allows you to visualize the data received from the microcontroller, which converts the signal from the primary sensors into a unified string form. The system can work both in a local area network and with access to the Internet WAN. The possibility of integrating such a system into general SCADA systems is described. The purpose and principle of measuring sensors are explained. The program code of both the web application itself and the program code that was used to program the microcontroller to convert the signal of the primary sensors are highlighted. The method of calibration of strain gauges is presented. The functional scheme of the primary level for measuring the torques of electric motors, as well as measuring current and voltage is highlighted. The algorithm of information system operation is described. Testing of this system on the metrological stand with the use of the collector electric motor of a direct current is carried out. However, its use has shown that the accuracy of such measurements has a significant error due to the use of non-industrial microcontrollers and low-cost sensors. However, by increasing the accuracy class of measuring instruments by using high-precision sensors, the information system can be used not only for measurement but also for control, which makes it universal in many areas of production.
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