Algorithm for assessing the influence of gamma radiation on the receiver of atmospheric optical communication lines
atmospheric-optical communication lines, algorithm, gamma radiation, radioactivityAbstract
One of the factors of the external environment that can significantly affect the effectiveness of the use of AOLZ may be radioactive radiation generated by various sources and phenomena.
The algorithm for estimating the effect of gamma radiation emitted by a mixture of radioactive substances on the atmospheric optical communication line receiver is presented. The developed algorithm is essential for assessing the degree of reduction of the detection ability of receivers in the field of gamma radiation and is the basis for substantiation of recommendations for improving the design of atmospheric optical communication line, recommendations for its placement to increase their application in gamma radiation.
As a result of calculations according to the proposed algorithm, the recommendations are substantiated. by increasing the thickness of the receiving path of the receiver atmospheric optical communication line. The mechanism of formation of reversible and irreversible radiation effects, which lead to an increase in dark current in the atmospheric optical communication line receiver, is determined. The developed algorithm for estimating the effect of gamma radiation emitted by a mixture of radioactive substances as an evaluation indicator takes into account the relative value of the detection capability of the atmospheric optical communication line receiver as a function of gamma radiation dose and gamma radiation dose rate.
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