Analysis of the availability of microservice based on the management and orchestration system of containers Kubernetes
microservices, containers, orchestration, docker, availabilityAbstract
The article explores problems of orchestration and executing test of performance to assess the availability of Kubernetes for supervised services. Considerable attention is paid to the sequence of managing exorbitance, on the availability of programs with on microservice architecture and tests have been conducted with the standard settings of Kubernetes and also with the most efficient. The move to a microservices architecture continues now. In this kind of approach the system is separeted to smaller modules which are designed, developed, and scaled separetely to build virtualized function. But, for function suppliers accessibility remains an issue in the transition to deploying microservices. Kubernetes is a solution which has code base an open source, it defines a selection of deployed parts that together gives instruments for building, supporting, scaling, and recovering containerized functions. In this way, Kubernetes hides the complexity of orchestrating microservices to provide management of their approachability. To start with, we estimate Kubernetes usinggeneral configuration in terms of approachability in cloud settings. It is presented architectures for public and private clouds. We are evaluating the availability achieved by the healing power of Kubernetes. A comparative assessment was executed using the Availability Management Framework (AMF), that is a suggested mechanism used in intermediate software for high availability management. The results of the research demonstrate that in some tests, disabling the service for applications managed by Kubernetes is significantly high.
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