Experiment test of the reliability of computer systems of integrated modular avionics
integrated modular avionics, computing systems, assessment of reliability indicators, probability of failure-free operationAbstract
The tasks of designing advanced computer systems in the class of integrated modular avionics (IMA) structures are relevant. The development of IMA computing modules requires the development of inspection schemes and software specialized for IMA class products, both in the process of operation on the aircraft and in the production process at the factory. Unification of IMA modules will allow to build the automated workplace on checking of products that possesses the raised indicators of unification and standardization of design solutions. Objective is to assess the reliability of computer structures of integrated modular avionics for different configurations of hardware. The obtained results are based on the use of methods of systems theory, methods of mathematical modeling, methods of reliability theory, methods of probability theory. Reliability assessment is performed by analytical derivation of the expression for the probability P(t) of trouble-free operation of the product. And also the unified topology of the internal network of the calculator on the basis of space wire exchange channels and variants of its execution for various onboard applications is offered. Equivalent reliability schemes of each of the personal structures are presented and the probabilities of trouble-free operation of each structure are analyzed. A series of experiments was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of circuit and design-technological solutions, which are the basis for the design of avionics products of the class of on-board digital computer. The level of the radiated electromagnetic interference in the frequency range 0.01 mhz - 100 mhz was evaluated. The physical scheme of connections of a local area network is offered. Inside the computer system allows to realize Various logical connections proceeding from the necessary functional task. Variants of logical connections affect reliability indicators. The scheme of Reservation at the Level of Identical modules is better. An experiment was performed to evaluate the Temporary performance characteristics of tests and functional software on a real product. It is shown that the structure of the product affects the Temporary characteristics of the cycle Execution of the onboard task. An algorithm for controlling a computer system during a flight is proposed. It is established that for perspective computer systems it is necessary to use "External" initiated testing with introduction of memorization of results of testing of functional components. A series of experiments on testing modules using the proposed algorithms. Temporary characteristics of the product testing algorithm are shown. Reliability assessment was performed for three cases of organization of the internal structure of the computer system of the IMA class.
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