Recommendations on the choice of options for the construction of airway air manage-ment network
The choice of options for the construction of the air hub network of the UPR AU, taking into account modern requirements and the anticipated increase in the intensity of air traffic, is an urgent problem. The air hub is the main autonomous element of the UWA AU, in which the organization and operation of flights require special coordination and coordination. The main task of the air hub network, which is a major component of the UWS AU, is to ensure that the system is able to function in real time through resource sharing. The real-time approach to solving air traffic control problems is the current adaptation of some of the system's subsystems as a whole to changing application conditions, the redistribution of network resources to address specific priority tasks. This approach is quite logical and natural, given that any large corporate network consists of separate segments. The proposed structures of computational networks for systems of critical application can serve as the basis for the construction of the information-computing subsystem of the UPR system, that is, a branched air node network with autonomous satellite and aviation onboard network segments.
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