Функціональна безпека та живучість інформаційно-укравляючих систем на основі еліптичних кривих: моделі і методи


  • Marek A. ALEKSANDER State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sacz
  • Mikolaj P. KARPINSKI University of Bielsko-Biala & State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sacz
  • Grzegorz K. LITAWA National Ivan Puluj Technical University, Ukraine & State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sacz



Ключові слова:

інформаційно-управляюча система, еліптична крива, функціональна безпека, живучість, система залишкових класів Радемахера-Крестенсона


Наведено аналіз функціональної безпеки та живучості інформаційно-керуючих систем, в засобах яких застосовуються обчислення на еліптичних кривих. Оцінено час, необхідний для знаходження дискретного логарифма еліптичної кривої над полем GF (р). Висвітлено аспекти застосування пристроїв ПКВМ, в яких обчислення ґрунтуються на використанні системи залишкових класів Радемахера-Крестенсона і паралельного сумування.

Біографії авторів

Marek A. ALEKSANDER, State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sacz

Date and place of birth: 1974, Nowy Sacz, Poland

Education: AGH University of Science and Technology in 2000 & Military University of Technology in 2004

Research interests: cryptology, mathematic modeling, wireless network security, electronics

Current position & Functions: director of Institute of Engineering

Publications: author and co-author of over 40 publications

E-mail: aleksmar@pwsz-ns.edu.pl

Mikolaj P. KARPINSKI, University of Bielsko-Biala & State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sacz

Date and place of birth: 1958, Baley, Chita Oblast, Russia.

Education: Lviv Polytechnic Institute, 1980.

Research interests: cybersecurity, computer systems and wireless networks, especially their security, in particular cryptographic methods of information defense, lighting engineering and electric and photometric measurements.

Current position & Functions: Chairman of Computer Science Division since 2009.

Publications: over 100 scientific publications including monographs, papers in domestic & foreign scientific journals, international conferences proceedings, patents etc.

E-mail: mkarpinski@ath.bielsko.pl

Grzegorz K. LITAWA, National Ivan Puluj Technical University, Ukraine & State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sacz

Date and place of birth: 1975, Stara Wies, Poland.

Education: University of Rzeszow in 2000, Pedagogical University of Cracow in 2001

Research interests: cryptography, cryptanalysis, calculations distracted, design of digital circuits with the use in cryptograph and computer network security.

Current position & Functions: Postgraduate student and assistant professor.

Publications: author and co-author of over 16 publications.

E-mail: glitawa@poczta.onet.pl


J. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Wang. On-Demand Security Architecture for Cloud Computing // Computer. – 2012. – Vol. 45, No 7. – P. 73-78. – ISSN 0018-9162.

N.G. Leveson. Safeware: System Safety and Computers // Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1995. – 680 p.

V.S. Kharchenko. Analysis of the problems of safeware engineering: the project TEMPUS-SAFEGUARD // Radioelectronic and Computer Systems. – 2010. – No (48). – P. 297-300. (in Ukrainian)

M. Karpinski. Information Security // Warsaw: Measurements, Automation and Monitoring. – 2012. – 280 p. – ISBN 978-83-930505-3-6. (in Polish)

R.L. Lagendijk, Z. Erkin, M. Barni. Encrypted Signal Processing for Privacy Protection // IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. – 2013. – Vol. 30, No 1. – P. 82-105.– ISSN 1053-5888.

R. Oppliger. Security and Privacy in an Online World // Computer. – 2011. – Vol. 44, No 9. – P. 21-22. – ISSN 0018-9162.

D. Hankerson, A. Menezes, S. Vanstone. Guide to elliptic curve cryptography // NY: Springer, 2004. – 332 p.

Bakhmach E.T., Herasimenko A.D., Golovir V.A. et al. Fail-safe information control systems on programmable logic / Kharchenko V.S., Sklyar V.V. (eds). – Kharkiv: National Aerospace University “KhAI”; Kirovohrad: RPC “Radiy”. – 2008. – 380 p. (in Russian)

V.O. Romankevych, M.S.Milad, S.O. Poleschuk . Functional safety evaluation for the reconfigurable fault-tolerant multiprocessor control systems // Applied Mathematics and Computing – AMC-2011: III Scientific Conference, April 13-15, 2011. – P. 157-161. (in Ukrainian)

I. Ahmed, S. Obermeier, M. Naedele, G.G. Richard. SCADA Systems: Challenges for Forensic Investigators // Computer. – 2012. – Vol. 45, No 12. – P. 73-78. – ISSN 0018-9162.

M.A. Yastrebenetsky, V.N. Vasilchenko, S.V. Vinogradska et al. Nuclear Power Plants Safety: Instrumentation and Control Systems / Yastrebenetsky M.A. (ed.). – Kiev: Technika. – 2004. ¬ 472 p. (in Russian) (Translated in English in 2007 by US Nuclear Regulatory Commission).

I. Blade I., G. Seroussi, N. Smart. Krzywe eliptyczne w kryptografii // Warszawa: TAO. – 2004. – 234 p.

I. Yakymenko, M. Kasyanchuk, Y. Nykolajchuk. Matrix algorithms of processing of the information flow in computer systems based on theoretical and numerical Krestenson’s basis // TCSET'2010, February 23-27, 2010, Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine. – P. 241.

P.C. Oorschot, M.J. Wiener. Parallel collision search with cryptanalytic applications // Journal of Cryptology. – 1999. – No 12. – P. 1-28.

А.Н. Маkоhа, B.U. Zuj. [Electronic resource] : The arithmetic of large integers in parallel computer systems // 20.03.2007. – http://revolution.allbest.ru /mathematics /00011260_0.html (in Russian)

O. Ugus, A. Hessler, D. Westhoff. [Electronic resource] : Performance of Additive Homomorphic EC-ElGamal Encryption for TinyPEDS, Technical Report, 6 // Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze", July 2007. – http://www.ist-ubisecsens.org/publications/ EcElgamal- UgHesWest.pdf

T. Guneysu, Ch. Paar, L. Pelzl. [Electronic resource]: On the Security of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems against Attacks with Special-Purpose Hardware // SHARCS'06, 2006. –


T. Guneysu, G. Pfeiffer, C. Paar, M. Schimmler. Three years of evolution cryptanalysis with copacobana [Electronic resource] // SHARCS '09, 2009. http://www.hyperelliptic.org/tanja/SHARCS/ record2.



