Modern approaches to critical infrastructure objects detection and identification
information security of the state, critical infrastructure, identification, criticality level evaluation, critical information infrastructure, critical information infrastructure protectionAbstract
Modern trends in information technologies led phenomenal dependence on public services, which provide by different spheres of infrastructure. Today, quality and accessibility of services is one of the main indicators of the state infrastructure level, and ensure their security and stable operation is an essential and indispensable part of the national security of developed countries. Increased concentrations of tools and resources to secure various types of electronic infrastructure necessitated ranking of infrastructure facilities, the allocation of the most important ones and the emergence of the concept of critical infrastructure. In view of this, in the paper the multi criteria analysis of approaches was carried out to identify critical facilities to assess their capacity to detect and identify the most important objects of critical information infrastructure. It was established that the most effective information infrastructure approaches are based on graph theory and simulation, but most existing approaches do not take into account the full set of parameters and information component. That’s why the development of a universal method for critical information infrastructure identification is necessary.References
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