The n-fold decrease method of linguistics variables, based on the private database extension
risk, risk analysis, risk assessment, analysis system and risk assessment, risk parameters, fuzzy variable of terms transformation of linguistic variables, n-fold decrease terms number, the triangular fuzzy numbersAbstract
The basis of known system analysis and risk assessment are methods based on the processing of linguistic variables, based on the standard parametric trapezoidal fuzzy numbers with a different number of specific terms, the formation of which is related to the experts assistance in corresponding subject area. The effectiveness of practical use of such a system depends on its ability to handle different types of fuzzy numbers and speed variation of terms without the involvement of the appropriate expertise. To address such challenge the n-fold decrease method of linguistic variables, based on the second private database extension that gives an opportunity to formalize the process of equivalent transformation of terms number of linguistic variable on n-orders is proposed. This will improve the corresponding system of analysis and risk assessment of information security, by automating the process of function modification of the n-fold order decrease without experts’ assistance of relevant subject area.References
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