Fuzzy neural production network model for information security systems
information security, fuzzy production models, neuron, neural network, technology portrait of security, technical channel of information leakageAbstract
In this paper authors propose a model assessing the level of data protection based on fuzzy neural network of production. Methodology of qualitative evaluation of the level of data protection in the system based on the results of measurements and expert assessments that can be vague and insufficiently severe to be described mathematically dependencies. Such systems may be described using the structure in the form of fuzzy rules. Fuzzy production network structure identical multilayer neural networks, and this property was used by the authors to construct a model of neural network system of assessing the level of data protection. The concept of technology as a set of portraits of security protection states is introduced. It is proposed to conduct technical channels ranking in importance before processing in neural network system. The obtained results allow to formalize the directions for further research to develop new and effective information security systems with intelligent technologies.References
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