The concept of secure radiotelephone equipment building for aeronautical applications
vocoder, FM, PM, modulator, demodulator, manipulator, demanipulator, voice trafficAbstract
Proposed and substantiated a flow chart of processing voice traffic by technical means air analog radio in the range 118-137MHz for conditions when it is necessary to ensure a high level of protection of voice messaging. Technical implementation of the proposed scheme allows you to modify the existing analog radio resources without changing the design of the aircraft VHF radio and not breaking the rules of the radio traffic. In general, a number of additional devices in the (vocoder + crypto coder + frequency phase manipulator), it is desirable to perform as a single device and connect it to the interface point transmission equipment between the microphone and the modulator carrier frequency of the radio signal. A device, that implements the circuit (frequency-phase demanipulator + decoder + crypto synthesizer vocoder), need to be connected to the receiving side between the output of the demodulator and the input of the phone by person who receives voice messages. In this case, a display panel of standard equipment is sufficient to add only a voice communications mode switch (protected \ no protection)References
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