Method of single technical information security system designing with probable reliability and given parameters of breaking
information security, reliability, breaking probability, technical information security, given parameters of breaking, curve of maximal breaking probability, attempt of breaking, time of breaking, designed security systemAbstract
As a result of the work was proposed a method of single technical information security (TIS) system designing with probable reliability and given parameters of breaking. The general dependence between effort and time of breaking by projected frequency of breaking was defined. It is shown that the parameter that determines the probable reliability of TIS may not only be a constant with the time dimension, but depends on both the attempt of breaking and time of breaking. Through the attempt of breaking and time of breaking by an equation for the estimation of the likely reliability of technical security options that are specific designed security system, taking into account the initial primary and essential data in the design of TIS. The expressions were given for determining parameters such as probability values, efforts and time coordinates for line, which is implemented by the projected breaking. These parameters allow not only the TIS design, but also to research, control and manage the process of breaking through coincidence or deviation from the line of breaking events that actually occurred.
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