Preventions of information leaking in the wireless networks
wireless networks, covering zone, model of propagation of radiowaves, basic station, terminal, availability of information, integrity of information, interception of information, leaking of informationAbstract
In this paper the methodology of prognostication of covering zones for wireless networks was offered, that will be realized in two stages: calculation of middle radius of covering zone and his further clarification by geometrical methods on the separate directions on that are the substantial areas of locality. Underestimation of this factor can be an occasion of absence of receiving signal which to lead to interruption of integrity of information, or can be an occasion of propagation of radiowaves beyond of destination area what create a precondition of leaking or physical interception of information. Obtained results will allow to promote the level of informative integrity, availability and safety of wireless networks due to a removal of propagation of radiowaves out of setting. It will promote reduction of probability of leaking and physical interception of information as well as provision of necessary level of availability and integrity of information.References
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Network & Internet Security