computer network, computer network technology, decomposition method, structure topology, optimal designAbstract
This article discusses the issue of security and topology in computer networks, where practical methods of protecting information do not have a sufficient theoretical basis. The importance of considering the network topology in ensuring security is emphasized. The problems with system approaches to system analysis and integration, as well as the lack of effective mechanisms for assessing the quality of systems are highlighted. It is proposed to use decomposition methods to optimally design the topology of computer networks and minimize computing resources. We also note that the success of the method depends on the nature of the specific system topology and information flows. By emphasizing a discrete approach to system optimization, decomposition techniques can be useful for finding simplifications for complex systems. This article emphasizes the importance of the theoretical justification of information protection methods in computer networks. It challenges the traditional practical approach to data protection and emphasizes the non-workability of an integrated approach to network security. The influence of topology on the level of protection is analyzed in detail and the advantages of decomposition methods for solving this problem are highlighted. It is shown that the diversity of systems requires an individual approach and that the study of decomposition methods can become a step towards to effectively ensure security in complex information systems.
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