Information and psychological confrontation in Ukraine
informational-psychological influences, informational warfare, informational weapons, informational field, strategy, cybernetic warfare, cyber actionsAbstract
Today, the information war is a total phenomenon where it is impossible to determine its beginning and end. This is the existence of a struggle between states with the help of information weapons, that is, it is open and hidden targeted informational influences of states on each other in order to gain an advantage in the material sphere, where informational influences are influences by means of such means, the use of which allows you to achieve your goals. Four approaches to the definition of information war are described, containing political, legal, socio-economic, and psychological actions, involving the capture of the enemy’s information space, the destruction of his communications, deprivation of means of transmitting messages, etc., as well as conceptual issues and the basics of network-centric theory control systems and the organization of military operations and cyber actions or cyber war. The implementation of the cybernetic approach strategy for organizing actions during military operations was studied to obtain the maximum effect from the impact on three areas - moral, mental, physical, and the sufficiency of such an approach to increase the mobility, accuracy and firepower of weapons was determined. Impact on such centers causes changes in the management processes of the objects of influence and consequently affects the whole system. It is characteristic of such a theory that the degree of influence of the center of gravity on the whole system depends on the degree of its closeness to the central ring. According to J. Warden's theory, the objects of influence are the connections between the rings and the connections within the rings themselves. Thus, differentiation of subjects or objects of influence on the rings allows to identify in them those that are related to the cyber infrastructure. And the tools or means of influence are political, informational, economic and military, which affect objects or centers of gravity. Also investigated the effect on the most vulnerable objects using the system of the cybernetic approach, which allowed to assess its application in modern conditions of development of strategy and tactics of the struggle in the information field.
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