Ensuring the functional reliability of computer linguistic stegosystems in context of countering the information propaganda


  • Ярослав Володимирович Тарасенко Черкаський державний технологічний університет




quantum-semantic linguistic steganography, quantum linguistics, quantum steganography, counter propaganda, computer linguistic stegosystem, reliability of computer linguistic stegosystem, corpuscularwave characteristics of the text


The article reviews the existing methods for improving the functional reliability of computer linguistic stegosystems. Since it was found during the study that quantum steganography is promising direction, especially in the context of counteracting the information propaganda, therefore these approaches are the ones that are considered for solving the problem. The analysis of existing developments proves the lack of a full-fledged practical implementation of such an approach in steganography. An assumption is put forward in the work that the reason is in absence of unity of the corpuscular-wave characteristics in the process of hiding the stegomessage. It is being proved in the article that at the moment such an approach can only be realized in computer linguistic steganography, by combining it with quantum steganography. The analysis found that textual steganography basing on quantum laws is at the initial stage of development, and studies are conducted only in the field of random interval methods. The concept of quantum-semantic linguistic steganography is introduced to solve the problem in the work. Existing disadvantages of quantum steganography methods, namely, the inability to reproduce the plurality of worlds or the text's vulnerability to systems of automatic semantic modification, are proposed to be corrected by using the method of linguistic-combinatorial modeling of difficult-formalized systems and the principles of cybernetic hermeneutics for interaction with quantum states, and intensional logic to solve the problem of quantum entanglement to save quantum dualism for the formalization and implementation of the idea of the quantum-semantic steganography in practice. In turn, the implementation of affine transformations in relation to the function describing the subjective semantic line of the text will provide a process of counteracting the information propaganda. The use of the digital watermarking methods for decryption the change of semantic states in formation of the text by subjective semantic line will help to reduce the probability of detecting the fact of the stegomessage transmission.

Author Biography

Ярослав Володимирович Тарасенко, Черкаський державний технологічний університет

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Steganography & Steganalysis