Development of electronic government in Ukraine: legal aspects of providing information security
e-government, state administration, information security, information society, information and communication technologiesAbstract
The article studies a form e-government as form of governance by using information and communication technologies, which today is a time requirement in the context of the development of the information society in Ukraine. The legal framework of Ukraine on introduction of e-governance is analyzed in particular to ensure information security. Organizational and legal mechanisms of the electronic format for state institutions developed under relevant government programs are considered. The Concept of e-government development in Ukraine by 2020 is analyzed, the attention is focused on major challenges, objectives and plans for development of e- government in Ukraine by 2020, the priority of which are: open data; electronic services; electronic identification; electronic interactions; formation of effective policy; modernization of the National Informatization Program; strengthening interagency coordination by enhancing the role of the Interdisciplinary Council on development of e-government; promotion the integration of the Single EU digital market. At that moment, there are a lot of problem issues concerning information management of public administration, in particular authorities. However, according to the doctrine and legislation analysis, it is possible to identify certain ways of overcoming them. Therefore, in the article highlights the following: first of all, it is necessary to improve the regulation framework and to systematize the information framework. Secondly, it is necessary to expansion and modernization of the existing infrastructure of public management, namely, a computer devices and structured cable networks. Thirdly, ensure the functioning of an effective integrated system for the protection of information resources. Fourth, it is important to improve the culture of using modern information technology. Moreover, after the doctrine and practice of public administration analysis it was found that a lot of users do not have the necessary knowledge and experience in using computer networks, databases and Internet services. Therefore, the system of training and retraining of personnel for the state apparatus in new organizational and technical conditions should pay particular attention to the informational education of future government workers. This problem also represented in the article
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