Cyberattack detection system
attacks, cyberattacks, anomalies, detection of cyberattacks, detection of anomalies, intrusion detection systems, anomaly detection systems, attack detection systems, cyberattack detection systemsAbstract
Today, one of the conditions for providing cybersecurity in large organizations is ensure the continuity of the intrusion detection (cyberattack) process (cyberattacks). The most common are systems, which using known attacks signature (patterns) in network traffic and the systems, which oriented at detecting abnormalities that contain the normal (abnormal) activity profile. That systems have a number of disadvantages that overlap expert approaches based on the use of knowledge and experience of specialists in the relevant subject area. Extending the influence of cyberattacks, oriented to various information systems resources, initiates the task of constructing technical solutions and developing special tools that can remain effective when new types of threats appear with unidentified or unclear parameters. There are a number of very effective developments, which are used to solve such tasks of detecting cyberattacks. For this purpose, based on the well-known methodology for building of detecting anomalies systems, generated by cyberattacks, attacks detecting system was developed. The developed system, at the expense of cyberattacks databases, rules and standards, modules for the formation of current values, a-level denomination, identifying terms, level of abnormality and visualization, allows to build tools that expand the functional capabilities of modern systems of intrusion detection. This is achieved by determining the level of the abnormal state, the characteristic effect of a certain type of cyberattack in faintly formalized fuzzy environment.References
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