Information security risk assessment system – «RISK-CALCULATOR»
risk, risk assessment, information security risk assessment, risk assessment system, risk calculator, risk characteristics, information security systems resources, CVSS metricsAbstract
In order to ensure the reliability of information processing procedures and to achieve the required level of information security, risk management of basic characteristics violations of information security system resources has a special place, such as confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. At the moment, to ensure that most existing systems of information security risks assessment function effectively, an expert support is required. As a result, it increases the cost and time of realization of the specified process. Therefore, it is relevant to develop such systems that will allow to automate the process of information security risks assessment, for example, by using the input values necessary for the operation (for example, CVSS metrics) from the relevant databases. In this regard, the structural-parametric model of the risk assessment system is proposed – “RISK-CALCULATOR”, which, due to the basic structural components (subsystems of primary and secondary data formation), allows to minimize the expert's participation and maximizes the process of formation of the parameters necessary for the assessment. Based on this, a basic algorithm and a software tool have been developed, which, unlike the known ones, uses as input the estimated parameters as CVSS metrics. This provides high flexibility and convenience when assessing the risks of information security systems resources in real time without involving experts in the relevant subject area.References
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