Post-quantum cryptography, quantum computers, standardization process, NIST, post-quantum cryptographic systemsAbstract
This article provides a detailed analysis of the problems and prospects of the implementation of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, which are becoming more and more relevant in connection with the development of quantum computing. The main challenges related to the standardization of post-quantum algorithms are considered, in particular the issues of flexibility of algorithms, their performance, complexity of implementation and uncertainty regarding the appearance of quantum computers capable of breaking modern cryptosystems. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the current state of development of post-quantum cryptographic standards, as well as to the analysis of potential scenarios of the transition to new information protection systems. The main role here is played by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST provides key coordination and leadership in the development of post-quantum cryptography standards, initiating an open competition process to identify the most promising cryptographic algorithms. The program launched by NIST involves a multi-year process of evaluating, testing and selecting algorithms capable of providing resistance to attacks by quantum computers. Within this program, a wide range of algorithms were considered, which differ in encryption approaches, performance and degree of security. On the basis of the conducted research, recommendations are proposed for the effective management of the transition period from traditional cryptographic systems to post-quantum solutions, which should ensure reliable data security in the face of new technological challenges. In particular, approaches to managing the transition period, risk reduction strategies, as well as assessment of possible threats and ways to minimize them are offered. As a result, the article provides a valuable basis for the formation of a strategy for the safe adaptation of information systems in the age of quantum technologies.
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