


sociocyberphysical systems, mobile wireless network, cyber security, ultra-broadband technology, fuzzy system


The subject of study is the process of building a Cyber-Physical System mobile communication network. The goal is to develop recommendations for the construction of a CPS mobile communication network – a system that works effectively in a complex interfering electromagnetic environment. The development is based on the technology of ultra-broadband signals that circulate in control and communication channels with the integration of elements of artificial intelligence into its structure. The task is to ensure stable and safe operation of the CPS wireless mobile communication network. Techniques used: Analytical, Time-Position-Pulse Coding, and Fuzzy Logic Inference techniques for network handover decision making. The following results were obtained. Recommendations for building a wireless mobile communication system have been developed. It is shown that in order to obtain high interference resistance of control and communication channels and to protect information from interception, ultra-broadband communication technology should be used, which allows providing large volumes and speeds of information transmission. Moreover, it is recommended to use the results of data processing in a fuzzy decision-making system during service transfer between mobile network nodes in conditions of interference. Conclusions. The use of channels with an ultra-wide frequency band makes it possible to practically increase the number of control and communication channels in a wireless mobile CPS. Pre-distribution between channels of orthogonal codes realizes the process of control and communication without interception of information and mutual interference. Thus, the use of the method of temporal position-pulse coding prevents the occurrence of intersymbol distortions of encoding ultra-short pulses. At the same time, the level of distortion of information signals, which is caused by its multipath propagation, also decreases, which guarantees the security of information in the system. The use of a fuzzy system during decision-making in the case of service handover between mobile network nodes makes it possible to dynamically change the topology of the CPS network in real time and maintain high quality of service.


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Cybersecurity & Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)