


socio-cyber-physical systems, information security, cyber security, security of information, information threat classifier of socio-cyber-physical systems, multi-contour information security system


The article presents a new approach to forming a classifier of threats in socio-cyber-physical systems, which, as a rule, refer to complex systems based on the synthesis of cyber-physical systems with smart technologies and social networks. In addition, such systems belong to objects of critical infrastructure, which requires a new approach to the formation of multi-contour security systems. The proposed classifier allows for the formation of an expert approach at the first stage for the formation of weighting factors for the impact of threats (anomalies, deviations from normal operation, computer incidents). On the second stage, the properties of the influence of threats on the platforms of socio-cyber-physical systems, as well as their influence on the external and internal contours of the system, are formed. And also, the influence of social engineering methods, which allows criminals to significantly increase the level of threat implementation probability, and to form several channels of threat implementation – mixed (targeted) attacks. Based on the proposed threat classification approach, a technique for assessing the actual state of the security (protection) level of socio-cyber-physical systems is proposed, as well as the ability to determine the critical points of the system infrastructure, the possibility of countermeasures, and the ability of the mechanisms of multi-loop security systems to ensure infrastructure protection.


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Serhii Yevseiev, Pierre Murr, Stanislav Milevskyi,

Olha Korol, Marharyta Melnyk. Development of a Sociocyberphysical Systems Cyber Threats Classifier. 2023 7th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT).





Cybersecurity & Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)