
  • Serhii Horlichenko Institute of Special Communication and Information Protection of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"



cyber security, information security, technical information protection, information leak, technical leak channel, electromagnetic radiation, information and communication systems


Information and communication systems are constantly developing and improving, introducing new technologies and opportunities. However, along with rapid development comes a greater threat to information security. Therefore, it is important to improve the methods and algorithms of technical protection of ICS to ensure their security and safety. An analysis of various approaches to defining the essence of the term "information leaks" was carried out, as well as a systematization of information regarding the classification of technical channels through which information leaks occur. In addition, an overview of the main reasons that lead to the emergence of electrical channels of information leakage is provided. The essence of the process of formation of technical channels of information leakage is studied, and various methods of protecting information from such leaks are highlighted. International and domestic legislation regulating the sphere of information protection, in particular in Ukraine, was also analyzed. Attention is focused on the importance of ensuring information security during martial law in Ukraine. In the context of modern challenges and threats related to cyber security. The need to strengthen information protection measures to ensure an adequate level of protection in conditions of martial law and potential threats was emphasized.


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