digitization of the election process, electronic voting system, digital voting in education, distributed ledger, blockchain technology, blockchainAbstract
Developed democratic countries are rapidly improving the infrastructure of electoral expression systems. Blockchain technology has quickly flooded the shortage of innovations in various spheres of human activity. The concepts of a decentralized register of vote storage and the exclusion of third parties from the voting paradigm are also being gradually introduced into the support systems of the election process. Third parties, who are usually vote riggers, could not be disposed of. With the advent of blockchains such an opportunity is becoming a reality. The object of the study is the process of electronic voting. The subject of the study are e-voting systems on decentralized ledgers such as blockchain. The aim of the work is to conduct a review study of existing e-voting systems on the most used, common and reliable Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains. Among the studied blockchain solutions for e-voting, unfortunately, none has been implemented at the national level. In future research, it is planned to search for e-voting systems on the latest blockchains, in particular on the Near Protocol blockchain.
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