Protective characteristics of films from laser acoustic reconnaissance systems on the example of a single-layer reflective coating of hafnium dioxide
laser, laser acoustic reconnaissance systems, information leakage channel, glass, coatings, filmsAbstract
The leakage of confidential information is considered one of the most common problems in the fight against professional espionage. For this, various methods of protecting information through all possible channels of its leakage have been developed for decades. One of the ways to ensure information security is the detection and timely localization of possible technical channels of acoustic information leakage. In this work, the reflection coefficient of glass with a sprayed single-layer coating of hafnium dioxide was studied using spectral characteristics. The coefficient of reflection of the laser beam from the glass was chosen as an indicator of security. In addition to protective films, it is suggested to use glass with a special reflective coating. Hafnium dioxide was chosen as the atomizer, as its refractive index is much higher than that of glass. Sputtering of the dielectric coating was carried out using a TORR (USA) vacuum sputtering unit. Spectral analysis of glass was carried out on a Shimadzu UV-3600 spectrophotometer, which allows you to measure the spectrum of the obtained films in the reflection and transmission mode in the wave range from 300 to 1500 nm. It was established that the reflection coefficient of glass with a sprayed film is significantly higher compared to pure glass. Therefore, the НfO2 film satisfies the requirements set out in the problem. It is recommended to use sputtering of hafnium dioxide on the glass to increase the reflection coefficient as protection against laser reading of information in the ranges of 300 - 350, 500 - 700, and 1000 - 1500 nm.
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