Comparative analysis of binarization methods for images of eye iris
binarization, segmentation, iris of eye, fibre of storms, measure of contrastAbstract
The article analyzes the problem of binarization of the color image of the iris, for the task of user identification of access control systems. Modern versions of classical methods of binarization of images, whose model is described by a random irregular color field (brightness), are discussed. Preprocessing includes: aligning the overall brightness of the image, eliminating high-frequency noise and various artifacts on the source image, performing (if necessary) contrasting, binary and other functional transformations. But with all these transformations, one of the most important indicators should be the preservation of the maximum number of special elements of the initial information. Prospective directions of the further researches in the field of recognition of images of an iris of the eye are determined. As test data images from the open database of CASIO were used.References
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