Analytical verification expressions of linguistic variables for information security risk assessment systems
risk, risk analysis, risk assessment, risk analysis and assessment system, linguistic variable, fuzzy number, type of distribution, V-type fuzzy number, trigonal fuzzu numberAbstract
Risk analysis and assessment system of information security, which based on the linguistic variables processing, usually use reference values based on fuzzy numbers. That references, generally, formed at the stage of base values initialization by experts during the adjustment of corresponding systems. During their operation there is a need for correction or creation (without involving experts) necessary references and the possibility of their import from other systems. The results of such transformations should be maximum approx to the initial values, that is display their specific properties. For checking purpose the equivalence of variables linguistic properties is needed an appropriate tool before and after their functional transformation. To solve this problem, proposed basic analytical expressions, which due to a combination of arithmetic and logical operations with comparison operations over key values of fuzzy numbers certain classes , allow to check the uniformity properties, unevenness, increase and linguistic variables decrease . Consequently, it is possible to verify the equivalence of their functional transformations.
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