
  • Василь Михайлович Мельник Lutsk National Technical University
  • Оксана Костянтинівна Жигаревич Lutsk National Technical University
  • Катерина Вікторівна Мельник Lutsk National Technical University


Cloud platform, high-performance Java sockets, health-care, distribution data, decision systems of support


Computer clouds are using in health science for its data collections, manipulations and providing security needs in communications to exchange. The clouds distribution data character is using in science applications created to evaluate the data of the healthcare.The science programs like medical visualization, genetic and protein conclusions, map-drag therapy and clinicaldecisions systems of support (CDSS) require high performance messaging libraries with minimum computer and communication spends and the effective utilization of there sources. The high-performance Javasockets (HPJS) encapsulate the needs of message high communications between cloud platforms science applications. HPJS effectively uses the Java socket realization for high-performance inner-process communications. With single-copy protocol, reusability of the thread and communication over head reduction, HPJS can use the message exchange in two times quickly to conventional buffered communication libraries.

Author Biographies

Василь Михайлович Мельник, Lutsk National Technical University

PhD, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professorof Computer Engineering Department of Lutsk National Technical University. Scientific interests: computing, programming and sockets.

Оксана Костянтинівна Жигаревич, Lutsk National Technical University

Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering Department of Lutsk National Technical University. Scientific interests: computer programming, simulation-based semantics.

Катерина Вікторівна Мельник, Lutsk National Technical University

PhD, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering Department of Lutsk National Technical University. Scientific interests: computational intelligence systems.


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