Qualitative Qoe Assessment when Choosing a Web Service Using an Expert Hybrid System





web services, QoE, intelligent systems, information and communication technologies


In the article proposes a new method, based on a hybrid fuzzy expert system, for assessing the QoE of web services. It also shows how different QoS parameters affect QoE. To do this, a subjective test was conducted in a controlled environment with real users to correlate QoS parameters with a subjective QoE score. Based on the test results, affiliation functions and rules for the fuzzy system were obtained. The membership function is derived using a probabilistic approach, and the derivation rules are generated using fuzzy set theory. The evaluation simulation environment using the Matlab software package. The results of the simulation show that the quality of the website is rated and has a high correlation with the subjective quality assessment received from the participants of the control test.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Vovk , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Associate Professor

Department of Software Engineering

Petro Pelekh , Lviv Polytechnic National University

Post-graduate Student

Institute of Telecommunications, Radio Electronics and Electronic Engineering


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