Two-circuit System of Automated Control of Low-Altitude Helicopter Flight


  • Мykola Filyashkin National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine



total pitch of main rotor, swashplate, longitudinal channel, control law, low-altitude flight, rugged terrain, true height, inclined range


The mode of automatic control of a low-altitude flight of a helicopter over heavily rugged
terrain based on information about the inclined range is considered. It is shown that at high flight speeds it is impossible to overcome strictly vertical obstacles without changing the angle of inclination of the rangefinder antenna to the horizon depending on the flight speed, or without reducing the flight speed when approaching such an obstacle. Algorithms for controlling low-altitude flight using a two-channel scheme are proposed, namely, at high speeds through the longitudinal channel of the swashplate, and at low speeds – through the channel of the general pitch of the main rotor. The problem of optimal control of low-altitude helicopter flight is formulated, which can be presented as a variational problem with
restrictions on phase coordinates and control influences. Ways to optimize the process of circumventing an obstacle with forecasting the trajectory of the helicopter on a certain section of the route with
subsequent stabilization of the helicopter on this trajectory are shown.

Author Biography

Мykola Filyashkin , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Candidate of Science (Engineering)


Department of Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes


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