Stability of microbial communities gray forest soil using different agrotechnical methods


  • І. М. Малиновська NNTs "Institute of Agriculture of NAAN"
  • Л. С. Ястремська National aviation university



gray forest soil fertility, ecological-trophic groups of microorganisms, Azotobacter, polysaccharide synthesizing microorganisms, acids are formed microorganisms, melanin synthesizing microorganisms, liming, fertilizers


Studied the stability of microbial communities gray forest soil using different agrotechnical methods: application of mineral fertilizers, liming, plowing-products predecessor in the rotation and biomass green manure crops. Found that the most stable are the soil microbial community options with plowing by-products of plant biomass and green manure crops.

Author Biographies

І. М. Малиновська, NNTs "Institute of Agriculture of NAAN"

doctor of agricultural science

Л. С. Ястремська, National aviation university

candidate of agricultural science, associate professor of biotechnology department


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Experimental articles