Iris in images preparation identificaton


  • Любовь Владимировна Рябова National Aviation University
  • Мария Евгеньевна Самойленко National Aviation University
  • Юлия Петровна Бойко National Aviation University



iris, iris recognition, image binarization, identification


The method for the rapid determination of the digital image of the eye center point lying inside the pupil, which can then be used as the approximate center of the region of its small size. The method is based on the binarization image, followed by the search of the pupil detector Kenny. For the preparation of the pupil with a view to removing it from the original image using the selected path. An alternative method of image ireparirovaniya iris due to precise positioning of the object partially closed opaque mask. To carry out numerical experiments in a database used by the public eye image database CASIO.

Author Biographies

Любовь Владимировна Рябова, National Aviation University

Assistant of the Information security tools Academic Department, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Мария Евгеньевна Самойленко, National Aviation University

postgraduate student of Academic Department of Information security tools, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Юлия Петровна Бойко, National Aviation University

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor of IT-Security Academic Department, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine).


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