
  • Анатолійович Сергій Пустовий



professional consciousness, professional image of the world, philologists, psychosemantics, semantic differential


Аn empirical study was performed to reveal the essence of the image of the world of philology in the professional consciousness of students. A psychosemantic approach was selected as the methodological basis of the study, allowing to reconstruct several implicit structures of the image of the world of the philological profession in the consciousness of philology students. Specifics of professional consciousness of junior and senior bachelor's courses were compared using the results of the application of semantic differential. We created an 18-scale semantic differential, balanced according to the parameters of evaluation, strength and activity. By comparing the characteristics of the world of philology of undergraduate students of the first and fourth year of studies, we can state the following. Students generally perceive the world of philology as important, big, active and fast, joyful, safe, emotional, good, true, colorful and new. The characteristics of safety and softness, pleasantness and colorfulness, simplicity and relaxedness, activity and speed are closely related in content within semantic structure of the world of philology. For the fourth-year students, the professional world of philology is more defined, and at the same time, they are characterized by special connections: the bad and the false, ugliness, truth and simplicity. It was concluded that age-related dynamics of development of professional consciousness of students of philological specialties are present. The world of philology is interesting, fascinating, cheerful, necessary and bright for the freshmen, while senior students see curiosity, variety, greatness, responsibility and complexity in it. The observed trends are closely related to the age of the subjects


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