
  • Михайло Євгенович Паламарчук



destigmatization, disability due to intellectual disabilities, inclusive socially-interactive theater, inclusive theater, stigma


The article presents social stigma as a source of influence on the life of members of social communities, including the lives of people with disabilities due to intellectual disabilities. Research methods – logical-structural analysis to substantiate the presence of social stigma to people with intellectual disabilities, as well as the need to destigmatize this social group. The test method of the SANTa questionnaire was used, which reflects the respondents' ideas about the group of people with disabilities, as well as the peculiarities of observance of the rights of this social community. Respondents were representatives of student youth aged from 17 to 25 years old. Results. We considered the phenomenon of social destigmatization as a social development condition; we comprehend the significance of its implementation in work with social stigma. The method of inclusive social-interactive theater as a technology of changing perceptions of social communities is presented on the example of a social group of people with intellectual disabilities who were the actors, the method is represented as an educational technique to observe problems faced by social communities. We observed the perception of persons with an intellectual norm about the social group of people with intellectual disabilities. We analyzed the respondents' perceptions and assessments on ensuring the realization of their own rights, as well as perceptions and assessments on the specifics of the realization of the rights of people with disabilities as a result of individual entrepreneurship in Ukraine. We found the peculiarities of the dynamics of perceptions and psycho-emotional states of the studied in connection with their review of the play in the format of social-interactive theater, which provides information about the peculiarities of the rights of social groups of people with intellectual disabilities. It was concluded that the peculiarities of presenting information about the social community using the theatrical method create a favorable effect for changing respondents' perceptions, which also makes positive changes in the level of knowledge of respondents about the community regarding the possible characteristics of its representatives


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