
  • Марина Ігорівна Радченко



activation of cognitive activity, distance learning, interactive lecture, methods of active learning, multimedia technologies, project activity, social worker


The article is devoted to the problem of finding the most effective methods of activating the cognitive activity of students - future social workers. It is noted that in the conditions of crisis phenomena experiencing the whole world, social work and training of a social worker in higher educational institutions acquire special significance. The necessity of choosing such means of activating the cognitive activity of students that meet the needs and specifics of the future specialty is substantiated. The experience of teaching the professional discipline "Social work with people with special needs" to fourth-year students majoring in 231 "Social Work" FLSK NAU is analyzed. A brief overview of scientific works devoted to solving the problem of activating the cognitive activity of students is offered.

The longitudinal method of organizing the research, which was conducted in the first semesters of 2018/19 and 2019/20 academic years, was used. Among the empirical methods of obtaining scientific data, observational (observation) and diagnostic scale methods in the form of questionnaires and surveys were used. In the process of processing the results of the study were selected as standard methods of statistical data processing (quantitative processing) and methods of qualitative analysis.

The most popular methods of activating the cognitive activity of students - future social workers are analyzed, namely: interactive lectures, multimedia technologies, project activities. Empirical research has shown that the learning material is best learned at the beginning and end of the lecture, so it was suggested to pay the most attention to the leading methods of active learning in lectures. Recommendations for a competent multimedia lecture are given. The advantages of project activities in the context of training future social workers are emphasized.

Peculiarities of using forms of organization of educational activity at practical and lecture classes in the conditions of distance learning are experimentally investigated. It is determined that in these conditions students prefer not only active but also traditional reproductive forms of education. The direction of further scientific researches is outlined.


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