competent teacher, future computer science teacher, readiness for professional activityAbstract
The article substantiates that the readiness of future computer science teachers for professional activities is a complex formation, internal potential and is determined by interest in the field of computer science education, and is the result of qualification, manifested in the ability to competently perform tasks and responsibilities, flexibly adapt to dynamic working conditions, to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in general secondary education institutions. In the descriptions of ability we mean «ability to act», as the ability to effectively use the formed competencies in the design and reproduction of professional actions of teachers and educational and cognitive activities of students at both reproductive and creative levels.
Emphasis is placed on combining competency-oriented education with activity, personal and other scientific approaches, focusing the training of future computer science teachers on the learning outcomes of the relevant educational program. Other conditions for the formation of professional readiness are: the fundamentalization of education and its combination with practical training; rethinking the content of education in favor of interdisciplinary integration of knowledge; awareness of readiness both as a prerequisite for professional activity and as a result of this activity. The content of motivational, cognitive, operational, personal, reflexive components of students’ readiness for pedagogical activity at the motivational-orientational, cognitive-activity, practical-reflexive stages is clarified. An analysis of the results of a survey of students to determine their own level of readiness for professional activity, which indicates the feasibility of focusing on this phenomenon in higher education and especially when studying the disciplines of the professional cycle.References
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