institution of higher technical education, training of future engineers, educational and professional program, system of professional competencies, contradictions of the educational process, psychological and pedagogical conditionsAbstract
The author of the article proves the importance of taking into account the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the quality professional training of future engineers in higher education institutions. Based on the coverage of certain principles and contradictions, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for improving the training of engineering students in technical universities are considered. The main trends in the training of engineers in the technical university are the defining social guidelines, due to modern processes of globalization and informatization. In preparing educational programs, Ukrainian universities can take into account the "marketing complex" of K. Kalyanam and others, the structure is presented by the author of the article. Internal and external contradictions in the training of future engineers are defined. The impact of inconsistencies in the process of providing quality education services to future engineers can be traced throughout the period of education.
The author of the article analyzes the main psychological and pedagogical conditions for improving the process of training engineers in higher technical education, in particular: 1) psychological and pedagogical readiness of participants in the educational process of the university to carry out quality activities; 2) activation of the dual system of education and creative interaction of students and teachers, focused on the development of a positive professional orientation of the future specialist; 3) formation of students motivational readiness for engineering specialty; 4) positive assessment of the student and teacher of their own activities; emotional attitude to the professional activity of a university teacher; 5) self-sufficiency, reflection, ability to regulate the psychological state, belief in their own abilities, optimism of the student in the right choice of profession and active education.References
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