future music teachers, professional training, readiness for leadership, vocal-choral collectives, diagnostics of readiness levels, experimental tools, methodologyAbstract
The article deals with peculiarities of the course of the diagnostic stage of forming the readiness of future music teachers to lead vocal-choir groups of student youth are covered in the article. Attention is drawn to the requirements for professional training of students in higher education institutions in accordance with the world educational paradigms. The author's own view of the problem under consideration of the identity of the directions of perspective development of art education of Ukraine and China is presented in a holistic vision of the need to form a specialist, able to self-regulate the educational environment, to manage artistic information resources. The author's position is substantiated that the presence of leadership abilities is a sign of the professionally important qualities of the future leader of the artistic collective of the student youth formed. The article presents the analysis, classification of recent research and publications on the scientific problem, and provides valid conclusions. The purpose of the article is formulated, which is to present the results of the ascertaining stage of experimental and experimental work to diagnose the formation of the readiness of future music teachers to the leadership of vocal-choral teams. The мethods of scientific and pedagogical research are presented: theoretical, empirical, statistical, which were applied for processing of the received data, establishing quantitative dependencies between the studied phenomena and processes. The content and the method of diagnosing the levels of readiness for students' leadership are revealed, taking into account the structure of the identified phenomenon by certain components: motivational-orientation, communicative-competence, activity-reflexive. The course of diagnostic reconnaissance during three stages of its conduct is described. The results of calculation of the received data are presented, the levels of formation of the studied phenomenon are defined and described: low, medium and high, their characteristics are given. The substantiated results of the experiment are presented. The directions of further experimental work on forming the readiness of future music teachers to the leadership of the vocal-choral teams of pupils youthReferences
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