horizon line, space, sight, realistic drawing, texture gradientAbstract
The article deals with the main problems of the space recreating in contemporary academic drawing and painting. The author analyzes the main problems of the space recreating and searches the opportunities to the coordination of the spatial organization in a realistic image. She investigates the internal cognitive structures that one, who perceives and the change of them.
Improvement of the educational level and the shaping of spatial vision through the academic drawing and painting is possible only based on the psychological peculiarities of spatial perceptions’ knowledges and on the shaping of pedagogical peculiarities function.
The Modern researches are aimed to the methodological system of fine promising literacy or general fine literacy. However, the formation of the analytical aspect associated with spatial visibility, combining all the snippy information into a single system and until now is not enough investigated. Such concepts like linear constructive model of the objects, perspective changes of the forms, light-tone appurtenance of objects - are always in the center of the attention for fine arts teachers. Based on practical and theoretical material, the author concludes that the space performs the most important function - contributes to the ordering and organization of all elements of the composition in terms of the point of view and the horizon line. Analysis of the main difficulties and typical mistakes in recreating of space establish and eliminate the main reasons for the ineffectiveness of the modern educational process in the fine artsReferences
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