higher education institution, educational and information environment, university education modelsAbstract
This study presents innovative models of developing higher education in Europe and the Black Sea region. The impact of innovative models on the effectiveness of the educational and information environment of higher education institutions in the represented countries is analyzed. The main trends in the university education development in terms of the transition to an innovative model of the "knowledge economy", due to the substitution of the dominant position of labour to knowledge, are considered. The main components of high-quality higher education are given, allowing to focus attention on the need to change the vector of developing the higher education in Ukraine, conditioned by the requirements of an innovative economy model to the educational system.
There was proved the dependence of higher education development on the existence of a close relationship in the system "higher education - the labour market - the needs of society - importance for the person"; successful implementation of an innovative model for the higher education development based on innovative methods and technologies (group work, project method, "brainstorming", communication training, "control text" method, case study method, moderation method; business simulation, Internet games (training ), etc.); the main external factors — the economic globalization, the formation of an innovative educational and information environment, and the improvement of the countries' integration all over the world, as well as internal factors — raising the status and quality of higher professional education with the obligatory forming a holistic primary education.References
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