Reforming of the labor contract for the purpose of integration Ukraine to the European Union


  • Людмила Петрівна Гаращенко Kyiv National Linguistic University
  • Ольга Сергіївна Мегедь Kyiv National Linguistic University



labor contract, legislation of the European Union, directive


In the article features of legal regulation of labor contract in the Member States of the European Union are analyzed. Also in the article proposed the ways of improving the legislation of Ukraine based on the experience of legal regulation of the labor contract in the EU and in the Member States of the European Union.

In particular, in the article were singled out the problematic issue of concluding the labor contract, notably concerning the time of beginning the work as a substantial conditions of the labor contract.

Also the issue of atypical employment including the telework are considered. Suggestions for solving the problems of legal regulation the telework in Ukraine are made.

The questions concerning the procedure of changing the conditions of the employment contract are considered. The consolidation at the legislative level the compulsory of giving agreement by employee to change any conditions of labor contract by written form are proposed. Also proposed to establish certain term of validity for such agreement.

The problem concerning such important aspect of the institution of the labor contract as the termination of the labor contract are considered. The proposal to consolidate at the legislative level such definition as lockout are examined in the article.

The analysis of the conformity of the Ukrainian legislation to acquis communautaire are executed. The question in relation to inform employees about the conditions of the labor contract and regulation of the labour time and rest period are examined.

The question about the prohibition of discrimination at work during employment are considered. Based on these studies some amendments to the Labor Code of Ukraine are proposed.

Author Biographies

Людмила Петрівна Гаращенко, Kyiv National Linguistic University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

Ольга Сергіївна Мегедь, Kyiv National Linguistic University



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How to Cite

Гаращенко, Л. П., & Мегедь, О. С. (2015). Reforming of the labor contract for the purpose of integration Ukraine to the European Union. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(37), 99–103.

