Historical forms institute of the inquest of customs authorities of the Ukrainian


  • Наталія Василівна Ігнатко Uzhgorod city-based department of justice




inquest, investigation smuggled goods, customs authority


The article deals with the study of regularities of establishing and functioning the institute of inquest of customs authorities of Ukraine in the national system of counteraction to smuggling. The indicated type of law-enforcement activity is investigated in the context of the development of historical forms of the Ukrainian state system (1650-1754).

Some issues of history of customs and improvement of criminal-procedural mechanism of inquiry scholars paid attention in his works (D. I. Yavornytsky, D. I. Bahaliy, V.A. Barwinski; P. M. Dushenka, A.V. Lissitsky, T.S. Mavrodes, S.A. Pachnowski, V.P. Kostyuk,  L.M. Loboiko, M.I. Kostin, V.M. Shevchuk, L.M. Dorofeeva and other authors).

The relevance of the topic explained by insufficient study of the history and functioning of the legal institution of inquiry into the national customs authorities in the context of historical forms of formation and peculiarities of development of state and law of Ukraine.

The study the author characterizes the stages of historical forms and characteristics of inquiry in custom authorities, notes the trends of its development in historically specific conditions. Іt is possible to allocate following basic stages of the institution of inquiry: - search of illicit manifestations; visual care (detection of) the prohibited goods; - the establishment of origin, the cost estimate authorized for export-import goods for levying customs duties; the imposition of sanctions on violators of customs regulations – the enforcement of the payment of the fee, penalty, confiscation not only of goods, but also vehicles (rolls) in favor of the Hetman's administration.

Along with common method of smuggling is the movement of goods past the locations of customs posts. In particular, associated with providing customs officers false information regarding the owner of the goods, or concealment of goods from customs control.

In general the conclusion about the weakness of the system of counteraction to smuggling under the existing conditions of the organization of inquiry.

Author Biography

Наталія Василівна Ігнатко, Uzhgorod city-based department of justice

Deputy Head of Department


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How to Cite

Ігнатко, Н. В. (2015). Historical forms institute of the inquest of customs authorities of the Ukrainian. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(37), 33–36. https://doi.org/10.18372/2307-9061.37.9826

