The new criminalistical-procedural sequence of work with the subjective and objective sources of an-ticriminal information


  • Юлія Олександрівна Ланцедова National Aviation University



the sequence of work with subjective and objective sources of anticriminal information, the collection of the trassosubstances, the attracting of the personal sources of the anticriminal information


In the article considered the traditional approaches to the presentation of the sequence of work with sources of evidence, which is taken to an illogical the collection, inspection and evaluation of the evidence.

It is proved, that in fact collected only trassosubstances as objective sources of evidence and documents, and the personal sources as subjective sources of evidence involved to the anticriminal proceedings.

Only after these from it sources of evidence to receiving the anticriminal information, that may be as evidence only in case establishing in these information by assessing their four basic legal properties. Then have proper evidence may be used in anticriminal proving.

Displaying the current state of the development of the sequence of sources of the evidence.

The proposed the new doctrine of interdisciplinary the ordystycal, criminalisticai and the procedural the sequence of work with the subjective and objective sources of anticriminal information.

Detailed the sequence of the attracting of the personal sources of the anticriminal information into searching, detection (a statement of authenticity, personalization) and questing of this source and the meeting of antideliktolog with this source.

Presented the stages and elements of the collection of the trassosubstances and the objective, subjective and mixed documents.

Considered the nature of the searching, detection (a statement of authenticity, personalization), questing, acceptance, fixing, extraction, packaging, safekeeping and transporting of the trassosubstances and the obtaining samples of the trass and/or of the substances for personal or for expert research.

Specify the stages of using of anticriminal information as the selection of evidentiary facts, grouping of the evidences and other anticriminal information, the handling of the anticriminal information and adoption of the interim and final procedural and other decisions in the case of the anticriminal proceedings.

Disclosed the essence of the receiving of the anticriminal information and the evaluation of it, the documentation and the other stages of the sequence of work with subjective and objective sources of this kind of information in the anticriminal proceedings.

Author Biography

Юлія Олександрівна Ланцедова, National Aviation University

кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры уголовного права и процесса


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How to Cite

Ланцедова, Ю. О. (2015). The new criminalistical-procedural sequence of work with the subjective and objective sources of an-ticriminal information. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(36), 153–157.



Criminal Law and Criminology