Legal bases of rights and legal interests of juveniles in Ukraine and ways to improve them


  • Юлія Миколаївна Денисенко National Aviation University



national legislation, minors, the rights and legitimate interests, protection, legal regulation


Taking care of children, the nation cares about their future. In terms of socio-economic crisis in Ukraine has decreased the standard of living of the majority of the citizens. Able-bodied individuals have lost the ability to find a job and improve their professional skills, the elderly remained real, necessary for the normal level of accommodation, material benefits and so on. Young, as a social group, always known for being particularly vulnerable to the adverse changes taking place in Ukrainian society, were the most unprotected and unprepared to confront the adverse material, psychological and antisocial content. Practice of application of legislation of Ukraine in sphere of realization of rights and legitimate interests of minors shows the limitations of its provisions, the lack of systematization and consistency between international legal acts and acts of national legislation.asocial content.

Despite the adaptation of national legislation to international doctrinal issues unfortunately, today there is a trend of inconsistency of the current legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of protection of rights and legitimate interests of minors to the international standards set out in the regulations of the Convention on the rights of the child and other acts of international level.

So, all the above circumstances have triggered the need of systematization and improvement of legislation that will determine the occurrence of positive consequences to maintain an adequate level of protection of the rights of minors under international standards.

Author Biography

Юлія Миколаївна Денисенко, National Aviation University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Денисенко, Ю. М. (2015). Legal bases of rights and legal interests of juveniles in Ukraine and ways to improve them. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(36), 33–36.

