The essence of the principle of criminal law


  • Олег Вікторович Волинський



principles of law, criminal law, criminal policy, criminal legislation


This article analyzes such legal phenomenon as criminal law principles. The author considers the connection of criminal law and criminal policy. The genesis of criminal law principles in different historical stages of development of society and the state is explored.

The sense of such phenomenon as legal principles could not be revealed through the external manifestations in this case – through the legal regulations.

Firstly, the formal expression of legal regulations determines this phenomenon. Secondly, it is the most resistant characteristics of legal regulations, which could not be changed by making amendments and supplements to regulations in contradistinction to formal expression. Thirdly, it is impossible to verify it by direct perception.

Some scientists had attempted to define what reflects the principle in the legal system, its functionality and impact on other components of the legal system, trying to consider this perspective, without using of hypothetico-deductive method. Nevertheless we could not agree with O. V. Smirnov’s position for this problem, according to which in one case the principle of law reflects the inner side of concrete rules and all the system of law at once, in second case it expresses the essence of law, and in third – general regularities and connections concerned among themselves and with legal norms.

In opinion of A. M. Kolodiy, the principles of law have major role in formation of legal system of the state. This author defines principles as initial ideas of the existence of law that express the most important regularities of certain type of State and Law.

While analyzing the definition of law principles, A. A. Shvachka writes that such theoretical understanding of the place and role of law principles reduced to recognition of their properties as working mechanisms by which the limits of the possible and proper behavior of participants of legal relations are defined, so the principles of recognition are understood as a source of law regulations.

Author Biography

Олег Вікторович Волинський



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How to Cite

Волинський, О. В. (2015). The essence of the principle of criminal law. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(35), 123–127.



Criminal Law and Criminology