Air Transport State Management System of Ukraine: theoretical and legal foundations


  • Марія Володимирівна Юрченко Національний авіаційний університет



system, public administration, air transport, civil aviation


Background research is that without a comprehensive review and analysis of the theoretical and legal principles of managing air transport, government unable to create favourable conditions for the effective development of this dynamic sector of the economy. The goal is to analyze the system of a government air transport in Ukraine. Subject of research are theoretical and legal principles of managing air transport in Ukraine. The purpose of the study of basic theoretical legal principles of air transport management system is based on that definition, characteristics and features of their regulation to outline the major issues and key trends to resolve them. View of the principles of management in the aviation industry, which has its own traditions and patterns of organization and operation shall be based, to the definition of a sustainable, consistent basis, taking into account the new principles of government in Ukraine, new structural and functional elements (approaches, methods, forms and functions) which gradually acquire a place in the management of aviation Ukraine as management system. Government control of Aviation Traffic - purposeful, systematic, continuous activities of public authorities aimed at creating and providing timely and quality air travel. This work appears in the executive and administrative ordering form and content managed objects exposed to air transport sector and defines the aim of enabling to meet the needs of modern society in all kinds of air transportation of passengers and cargo. Management principles guiding public authorities, a system in which they are interconnected and interdependent. Violation of one of them can lead to disruption of others. Success is achieved by successive application of the principles of the entire system and each of them separately. Important role in the management plays a scientific and practical potential, which makes it possible to bring the highest level of management to achieve management science, becomes the knowledge that should serve as a guarantor of the accuracy of management decisions that are made with a view to the most optimal performance of the functions of air transport.

Author Biography

Марія Володимирівна Юрченко, Національний авіаційний університет

аспірантка кафедри теорії та історії держави і права
Юридичного інституту


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How to Cite

Юрченко, М. В. (2014). Air Transport State Management System of Ukraine: theoretical and legal foundations. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(30), 27–31.

