The theoretical and applied principles of the investigation of suicide prevention in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine


  • Ivan G. Bogatyrev Institute of Criminal Execution Service
  • Lyubov V. Terekhova Institute of Criminal Execution Service



convicted persons, inmates, suicide, penal establishments, pre-trial institutions, juvenile correctional institutions, State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine


Suicide prevention in penal establishments and pre-trial institutions is the one of priority tasks of State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine. This problem could be solved only after serious analysis of current situation in wide social context. The actual questions of research for the reasons of suicides as well as increase of their number in prisons are illuminated in the article. The methods of suicide preventing among convicted persons and inmates are proposed.



Author Biographies

Ivan G. Bogatyrev, Institute of Criminal Execution Service

Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Scientist of the Research Center

Lyubov V. Terekhova, Institute of Criminal Execution Service

Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory of the Research Center


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How to Cite

Bogatyrev, I. G., & Terekhova, L. V. (2014). The theoretical and applied principles of the investigation of suicide prevention in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(32), 126–129.



Criminal Law and Criminology